Deprecated: mysql_connect(): The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead in /home/swtutori/public_html/ on line 4
PHP Training- Tecwallet

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PHP Training

PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor is the general-purpose programming language for the server side scripting language for the web development. In addition, the codes have the capability of deploying on the most web servers, operating systems and platforms for GUI applications. The three things that make it popular are that it is easy: easy to use, easy to learn, easy to implement. Even it is free and runs on almost any web server. 

It is both a scripting language and a collection of tools to perform various functions in an HTTP and web. It can create dynamic and static web sites. However to be a dynamic developer there are plenty of institutes dealing with this course. The courses on PHP, enables the learner to be a creative and innovative designer over HTTP.  Indeed to mention regarding the trainers, the institute should have dynamic and professionals expertise to provide the entire concept in a delicate and in a lucid manner. Among various training classes, Project Development is one those, having handy experience trainers to deliver the best concept to the students.
The team of professionals over this institute has wide spectrum to make the dreams alive of the web developer. Therefore, run to the nearest centre and enroll yourself in the live training sessions.

Details of PHP Training Modules


  1. Programming with PHP
  • Origins of PHP in the open source community
  • Why we use PHP?
  • Some of PHP's strengths:
  • Some of PHP's main competitors are PERL, Microsoft ASP.NET, Java Server Page
  • (JSP) and Cold Fusion. In comparison to these products, PHP has much strength
  • Availability across multiple platforms
  • Installing as a module for Apache Web Server and Microsoft Internet information server 


  1. PHP language building blocks
  • Comparing PHP with other Web scripting languages or technology  PHP delimiters
  • Variable initialization with PHP
  • Investigating PHP data types


  1. Writing PHP scripts
  • Storing values in scalar variables
  • Employing arrays
  • Building Complete scripts incorporating loops and conditional expressions
  • Operators


  1. Writing Web Pages with PHP
  2. Interacting with the server
  • Outlining Web Protocols
  • Embedding PHP code into HTML pages
  • Employing shortcuts to display single PHP scripts
  • Determining how data is sent from forms to PHP scripts


  1. Manipulation user input
  • Presenting the user with input options via different HTML from elements
  • Retrieving form data with $_POST,$_GET and $_REQUEST[] arrays
  • Validating retrieved data
  • Strategies for handling invalid input
  • Storing state information using cookies
  • Tracking users identification


  1. Applying Advanced Scripting Techniques
  2. Exploiting he built-in functionality of PHP
  • Formatting data and time information
  • Manipulating string data
  • Reading and writing data using file I/O functions
  • Investigating other built-in features


  1. Structuring PHP Code
  • Writing user-defined functions to structure your code
  • Passing arguments and default values to functions
  • Returning data from functions
  • Accessing global variables
  • Building code libraries for reusability
  • Incorporating external PHP scripts with include, include_once, require and require_once


  1. Building Complete Web Applications
  2. Managing errors
  • Investigating the HTTP header
  • Suppressing on-screen error messages on production servers
  • Configuring the php-ini file to control error messages


  1. Handling problematic situations
  • Troubleshooting problems when manipulating data
  • Redirecting the browser to other pages
  • Modifying the PHP configuration file to suit your needs
  • Developing debugging strategies


  1. Establishing database connectivity
  • Why use MySQL?
  • Some of MySQL's Strengths
  • What is RDBMS technology?
  • SQL and their basics need
  • Creating and managing database connections
  • Sending queries to the database server employing most efficient methods
  • Retrieving query results as associative arrays
  • Looping through databases
  • Displaying returned data on Web Pages
  • Avoiding Potential problems by managing and backslashes in data
  • Closing the database connection


  1. String Manipulation and Regular Expression
  • Formatting string for Presentation
  • Formatting String for Storage
  • Joining and Splitting String
  • Comparing Strings
  • Matching and replacing substring
  • Pattern matching


  1. Basic Syntax and programming with PHP:
  • PHP delimiters
  • Creating User Defined Variable
  • Assigning values to scalar variable
  • Data type with PHP
  • Type casting
  • Type testing
  • Declaring and Using Constants
  • Understanding Operators and Precedence
  • Evaluating Expressions
  • Making decision with if, else and switch
  • Advantage of iteration using while, do and for loops
  • Comments with PHP


  1. PHP with Web Design
  • Use of HTML of web design purpose
  • HTML scripts and form's element
  • Embedding PHP in HTML
  • Redirecting web pages
  • Adding dynamic content
  • Supper global Variable
  • Interact with server using GUI


  1. Introducing ARRAY
  • Array sorting
  • Array sorting
  • Array Functions
  • How to use an important programming construct: arrays
  • Numerically Indexed arrays
  • Non-Numerically Indexed arrays
  • Array operators
  • Multidimensional arrays
  • Converting Arrays to Scalar Variables


  1. Interacting with the file system and the Server
  • Saving data for later using file system
  • Opening a file Creating and Writing to a file
  • Creating and Writing to a file
  • Closing a file
  • Reading from file
  • Deleting a file
  • Using other useful file functions
  • Create a directory
  • Remove a directory


  1. String Manipulation and Regular Expression
  • Formatting string
  • Joining and Splitting String
  • Comparing Strings
  • Matching and replacing substrings with string functions
  • Introducing Regular Expressions
  • Character sets and classes
  • Repetition
  • Sub expressions
  • Counted Sub expressions
  • Anchoring to the Beginning or End of a string
  • Branching with Regular expression
  • Matching Literal Special Characters
  • Matching and replacing substring with Regular Expressions
  • Splitting String with Regular expressions


  1. Reusing Code and Writing Functions
  • Introducing Functions
  • Defining functions
  • Using parameters
  • Understanding scope
  • Returning values
  • Calling by value versus Calling by reference
  • Implementing recursion
  • Reusing Codes
  • Using Require() and include()


  1. Object Oriented PHP
  • Object oriented concepts
  • Classes, objects and operations
  • Class attributes
  • Per-class constants
  • Class method invocation
  • Access Modifier
  • Static method
  • Type Hinting
  • Object Cloning
  • Abstract class
  • Final keyword
  • Inheritance
  • Implementing interface
  • Understanding Advance and New Object Oriented functionality
  • Implementing iterators and iterations
  • Magic functions with PHP
  • Exception control structures try…catch…throw
  • The Exceptions class
  • User defined exception


  1. Session and Cookie
  • What Session Control is?
  • Understanding Basic Session Functionality
  • What is a Cookie?
  • Setting Cookies with PHP
  • Using Cookies with Sessions
  • Deleting Cookies
  • Starting a Session
  • Registering Session variables
  • Using Session Variables
  • Destroying the variables and Session


  1. MySQL Database and SQL
  • Relational Database Concept and technology
  • Web Database Design
  • Web Database Architecture
  • Creating a MySQL Database
  • Setting up Users and Privileges
  • Creating Database Tables
  • Column Data Types
  • What is SQL?
  • Implementing Insert/Delete/Update and select Query
  • Joining Table
  • Dropping Tables and Databases
  • Setting up connection with PHP and MySQL
  • Choosing Database to Use
  • Disconnection from the Database
  • Advance MySQL Programming


  1. Advance PHP Techniques
  • Introduction about FTP/SMTP server
  • Math functions
  • File upload
  • File Download
  • PDF generation
  • E-mail with PHP
  • PHP configuration file
  • Error tracking and debugging


  1. JavaScript & CSS
  • Introduction to JavaScript
  • Dorm Validation using J


TRAINING SCHEDULE - Please contact us for latest training schedule


We give flexible learning options to trainees

  • INSTRUCTOR LEAD LIVE ONLINE TRAINING MODE - You can join the training from any part of world



DP Project Development Pvt. Ltd.


572, Sec-4, Vaishali, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh-201010, INDIA


+91-8586890684, +91-120-4375244








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Start Date:07/20/2015
End Date:08/20/2015
Organiser: DP Project Development
Category: PHP

DP Project Development  

Enrolled Students : 0

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