Deprecated: mysql_connect(): The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead in /home/swtutori/public_html/ on line 4
Complete .Net Training- Tecwallet

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Complete .Net Training

DOT NET is the one of high in demand course today. There are many professionals already in the market quipped with this knowledge. But you can stand apart and above all of them by doing the course from an experienced and reputed .net training institute like Project Development. Project Development provides a little more, little differently to give that extra impetus to your CV. Project Development has a training course named MICROSOFT .NET Training IN 3 MONTHS. This course would make you technically, practically and fundamentally strong in this technology along with live project experience in 6months time. Learning at Project Development is a very pleasant experience as the whole course is students get practical exposure to all the concepts, contents are well-structured to meet the industry requirements covering all the verticals and parallels in the technology, live project experience under the guidance of experts from the industries. The experienced faculties understand the varying understanding capacities of individuals and provide one to one attention to every student. Project Development wants to ensure every student benefits out of the course. Last but not the least, a certification from Project Development can give you a glittering edge over others.

Details of Advanced Training Modules


  1. Introduction to .net
  • What is .Net
  • Why .Net
  • Advantages of .Net


  1. Understanding the .Net Framework
  • Need Of Framework
  • Version of Framework
  • Introduction of CLR
  • CLR Architecture
  • Just In Time(JIT)Compiler
  • Microsoft Intermediate Language(MSIL)
  • Understanding MSIL with ILDASM
  • CommonTypeSystem(CTS)
  • CommonLanguage Infrastructure (CLI)
  • Application Domain
  • Framework Class Libraries(FCL)
  • Portable Class Library


  1. Language Fundamentals
  • Data Types in C#
  • CTS Type
  • Nullable Types in C#
  • Operators in C#
  • Conditional Looping, Jumping statements in C#
  • Conversion Types:
  • Implicit Conversion
  • Explicit Conversion


  1. Exploring Visual Studio 2015 IDE Environment
  • Creating a Project and Solution
  • Building Project
  • Debugging Project
  • Solution Explorer
  • Toolbox
  • Server Explorer
  • Property Window


  1. Object Oriented Programming System(OOPS)
  • Concepts of Classes and Objects
  • Understanding Oops Pillars
  • Creating and Using Classlibraries
  • Creating and Using Namespaces
  • Access Modifiers
  • Understanding Instace and Static members in Class
  • Type of method parameters in C#
  • Optional Parameters in C#
  • Defining properties and their type
  • Events and Delegates
  • Understanding Delegates
  • Understanding events
  • Overview of Contructors
  • Concept of Polymorphism


  1. Inheritance in C#
  • What is Inheritance
  • Need of Inheritance
  • Type of Inheritance
  • Exposing interface


  1. Generics collection
  • List
  • Dictionary
  • Stack
  • Queue


  1. LINQ
  • Introduction to var data type
  • Understanding the role of linq
  • Linq query expression
  • Linq and non generic collection
  • Linq and generic collection
  • Plinq


  1. File handling
  • System IO Namespace
  • Stream reader and stream writer
  • File class
  • Directory class
  • Path class
  • Reading and writing a file
  • Asynchronous file operation


  1. Exception Handling
  • Means of error, bug and exceptions
  • Role of .net Exception Handling
  • System level Exception
  • Application level exception
  • Try and catch block
  • Handling multiple Exception
  • Finally block
  • Throw Exception on request
  • Custom exception


  1. Advance c# 6.0
  • using Static
  • Auto property initializer
  • Dictionary Initializer
  • nameof expression
  • New way for Exception filters
  • Null-Conditional Opretor
  • Expression-Bodied Methods
  • Easily format strings-String interpolation


  1. Forms and control
  • Building window application
  • Programming Forms and Control
  • Constructing MDI from
  • Implementation of MDI child and parent


  1. Reflection
  • System Reflection namespace
  • Core reflection classes
  • Accessing assembly through reflection
  • Methodinfo
  • Memberifo
  • Propertyinfo
  • Browsing and Querying members
  • Invoking methods and property and runtime


ADO .Net

  1. Introduction of ADO .Net
  • Evaluation of ADO
  • Difference between ADO and ADO.Net
  • Providers
  • Connected and disconnected architecture
  • Architecture


  1. Working with dataset
  • Creating tabels in dataset
  • Data column
  • Data Row
  • Data Table
  • Updating, inserting and modification in data table
  • Saving Changes into data base using Command builder
  • Working With Command and Connection


  1. Understand command and connection classes
  • Execute command with command object
  • Implementations and difference of execute nonquery and execute scalar
  • Executing stored procedure
  • Creating parameters and Sqllnjection
  • Using synchronous & Asynchronuous


  1. Data Reader
  • Reading data in connected enviroment
  • Moving and accessing value of record
  • Execute reader
  • Streaming support


  1. Data view
  • Row filter
  • Sorting
  • Update, insert, delete via Dataview


  1. Data relation
  • Creating relations
  • Apply relations on dataset


  1. Adding Constraints
  • Foreign key constraints
  • Unique Contrains
  • Define Primary Key



  1. Schema
  • Schema type
  • Missing Schema Action


  1. Transaction
  • Introduction of transaction (ACID)
  • Synchronous & Asynchronous Handling
  • Transaction class
  • Commit and rollback action
  • Implementation of saves points


  1. LINQ
  • Linq to dataset
  • Linq to sql


  1. Entity framework 7.0
  • Overview of Entity
  • Difference between Linq to sql and Entity Framework
  • Learn how to create an Entity Data Model
  • Conceptual schema definition language (CSDL)
  • Store schema defination language (SSDL)
  • Mapping specification language (MSL)
  • Techniques for using LINQ to Entities to query data in a SQL Server database
  • Creating/managing 1-many and many-1 relations
  • Associations & Foreign Keys
  • Procedure Mapping
  • Giving life to a Model
  • Mapping object to Data


  1. Type of Entity Framework
  • DataBase First
  • Model First
  • Code First
  1. WPF Framework
  • WPF Overview
  • Underdtand the motivation behind WPF
  • Examine the various 'flavours' of WPF applications
  • Introduction of XAML
  • Work with the Window and Application calss types
  • WPF Controls
  • Design of WPF (Expression blend)
  • WPF Layouts
  • Use of Wpf Brushes
  • Transforamtions in Wpf
  • Styles in WPF
  • Define style as WindowResource
  • Creating Resource Dictionary and Merging Dictionaries
  • WPF Data binding


  1. Universal Apps
  • Inroduction of XAML on Windows Phone Apps
  • "Hello World" app on Windows Phone


  1. xamarin With Visual studio 2015
  • Android Apps By C#
  • IOS Apps by C#


ASP.Net Framework

  1. Introduction of
  • Need of web application
  • Http protocol
  • Static and dynamic page
  • Concept working of iis and browser
  • Difference between asp and



  1. Introduction of html
  • Creating a simple html page
  • Html tags
  • Hosting a html page
  • IIS virtual Directory
  • Request transfer throws Get and Post methods


  1. Server pages using
  • Creating server pages
  • Architecture of handling request in Webserver
  • Understanding page life cycle
  • Http request object
  • Http Response object
  • Understanding Post back
  • Autoeventwireup
  • Tracing and Debugging page


  1. State Management
  • Introduction of stateless process
  • Need of state persistence
  • Type of state Management


  1. Httpcookies
  • Non persistence
  • Persistence
  • Third Party
  • Single value
  • Multi value
  • Scope of cookies and their merits


  1. HttpSession
  • Understand the session
  • Understand session cleanup and creation
  • Implementation Session setting in Web.Cofig File
  • In process and out process Session management
  • Session state using Sql server
  • Session state mode
  • Session State Using State Service


  1. HttpApplication
  • Understand Application Life Cycle
  • Understand Application cleanup and creation
  • Implementation and use application object
  • Working with Global.asax


  1. Query String Method
  • Implementation of query string
  • Transfer values through QueryString
  • Getting value by Request object
  • Scope


  1. State management using Post Back URL
  • Context handler class
  • Cross Page Postback
  • Understand Postback URL
  • Previous page process


  1. Viewstate
  • Understanding View State
  • Store value in View State
  • Retrieve Values from View State
  • EnableViewState Property


State Management Using Hidden Feild

  1. State Management Using Profile
  • Creating Profile
  • Reading and Writting Value in Profile


  1. Server Controls  Standard Controls
  • Textbox
  • Combobox
  • Listbox
  • Checkbox
  • Addrotator control
  • File upload control
  • Multiview control
  • And many more


  1. Validation Controls
  • Types of Validation Controls
  • Working with Range, RagularExpression, Compare
  • And RequredField Validator Controls
  • Use Controltovalidate Property
  • CustomValidator Control
  • Implementation of Client and Server Side Validation
  • Working with ValidationSummary Control


  1. Data Bound Controls
  • Use of Data Binding Control
  • Type of Data Binding Control (Formatted and Unformatted)
  • Working with repeater Control
  • Working with Datalist Control
  • New Strongly Type Data Control
  • Working with GridView Control
  • Working with FormView Control
  • Working with DetailsView Control


  1. Navigation Controls
  • Site Map
  • Tree View
  • Menu Control


  1. Designing Work with Look & Feel
  • Creating style sheet
  • Apply Style Sheet
  • Creating Rules
  • Creating Elements setting
  • Theme folder and Skin
  • Creating theme
  • Apply theme
  • Handling theme conflict
  • Using CSS in a Theme
  • Apply theme dynamically


  1. Master Pages
  • Introduction and need of master page
  • Creating a master page
  • Default contents
  • Master page with CSS and table layout
  • Appling master page through configuration file
  • Dynamic setting a master page
  • Nested master page
  • Master page and relative path
  • Designing Work with Look & Feel


  1. Understand the Security Concepts
  • Type of security


  1. Forms
  • Define a form base security
  • Applying security
  • Form Authentication class and their methods
  • Declare user into web configuration
  • Apply Password formats
  • Location attribute
  • Authentication
  • Authorization


  1. Windows
  • Applying window base security
  • IIS setting regarding windows authentication
  • Authentication
  • Authorization


  1. Passport
  • Concept of passport security
  • Passport Url


  1. Login controls
  • Configure forms authentication
  • Creating the data source
  • Configure Connection string and membership Provider
  • Creating a authentication user
  • Using security controls
  • Creating and manage roles
  • Apply role in security


  1. Performance tunning
  • Page output Caching
  • Declarative output caching
  • Time duration and location setting
  • Parameter caching settings
  • Caching with HttpCachePolicyClass
  • Post Cache Substitution & Fragment Caching
  • Data Caching


  1. Partial Postback mechanism
  • Introduction of Ajax
  • Creating ajax enabled website
  • Understanding and working with update panel
  • Role of script manager
  • Creating a ajax enabled web service


  1. Culture Implementation
  • Introduction of multilingual application
  • Understanding Culture and UICulture
  • Setting the UICulture and Culture
  • CultureInfo Class
  • Overriding Initialize culture
  • Auto attribute
  • Local and Global resources


  1. LINQ to XML (XLinq)
  • Xdocument, XElement, XAttribute
  • Loading, Parsing, Saving
  • Trees, Navigation, Updating
  • Retrieving and using Values


  1. Deal with Dynamic Link Lib Hell
  • Role of .net assembly
  • Building and consume a single file assembly
  • Building and consume a multi file assembly
  • Private assembly
  • Shared assembly
  • Register assembly in GAC
  • Creating multiple version of a single assembly


  1. Serialization
  • Binary formatters
  • Soap formatter
  • Xml serialization


Distributed application implementation

  1. D.N.A Implementations
  • Introduction of remoting
  • Remoting architecture and scenario
  • Creating .net remoting object
  • Hosting a remote object
  • Activation type
  • Creating channels
  • Implementations of a remote based application


  1. Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) 4.6
  • Programmatically Configuring a Managed Application to Host a WCF Service
  • Programmatically Configuring a Managed Application to Call a WCF Service
  • Defining Client and Service Settings by Using File-Based Configuration
  • Selecting a Hosting Option for a WCF Service
  • Deploying a WCF Service
  • Self Hosting
  • IIS Hosting
  • Exposing WCF Services over Different Endpoints
  • Adding Behaviors to Services and Endpoints
  • Instance Manager
  • Fault Exception


  1. MVC 6.0
  • Model-View-Controller and ASP.NET
  • Serving Methods, Not Files
  • Is This Web Forms?
  • Why “(ASP.NET > ASP.NET MVC) == True”
  • Convention over Configuration
  • The Third Request Is the Charms
  • Routing Compared to URL Rewriting
  • Defining RoutesDefining the Controller: The IController Interface
  • The Controller Class and Actions
  • Working with Parameters
  • Working with Multiple Parameters
  • Specifying a View
  • Strongly Typed Views
  • Using HTML Helper Methods
  • Html Helper Class and Extension Methods
  • Creating Intranet or Internet application using mvc
  • Data Annotations & validation
  • Data Binding
  • Create from empty mvc
  • mvc with Razor (HTML 5.0)



  1. Query Window
  • The Foundation Statements of T-SQL
  • Started with SELECT Statement
  • Adding Data with the INSERT Statement
  • Changing What You've Got with the UPDATE Statement
  • The DELETE Statement


  1. Joins
  • Inner Joins
  • Outer Joins
  • Cross Joins


The Union

  1. The Create Statement
  • Create Database
  • Create Table
  1. The Alter Statement
  • Alter Database
  • Alter Table


The Drop Statement

  1. Constraints
  • Types of Constraints
  • Domain Constraints
  • Entity Constraints
  • Referential Integrity Constraints
  • Constraints Naming
  • Key Constraints
  • Primary Key Constraints
  • Foreign Key Constraints
  • Unique Constraints
  • Check Constraints
  • Default Constraints
  • Disabling Constraints


  1. Adding More To Our Queries
  • What is a Subquery Building a Nested Subquery Correlated Subqueries How Correlated Subqueries Correlated Subqueries in the Where Clause Dealing with Null Data-the Isnull Function Derived Tables The Exists Operator Using Exists in Other Ways Mixing Datatypes:Cast and Convert


  1. Understanding Indexes
  • How Data is Accessed in SQL Server
  • Creating, Altering, and Dropping Indexes
  • The Create Index Statement


  • Simple Views
  • Views as Filters
  • More Complax Views
  • Editting Views with T-SQL
  • Dropping Views


  1. Stored Procedures
  • Basic Syntax
  • Changing Stored Procedures with Alter
  • Dropping Sprocs
  • Handling Errors


  1. Triggers
  • What is a Trigger
  • With Encryption 0
  • The For After vs the instead of clause
  • With Append
  • Not For Replication
  • Using Triggers for Data Integrity Rules
  • Dealing with Requirements Sourced from Other Tables
  • Using Triggers to Check the Delta of an Update
  • Using Triggers for Custom Error Messages
  • Other Common Uses for Triggers
  • Other Trigger Issues
  • Triggers Can Be Nested
  • Triggers Can Be Recursive
  • Dropping Triggers

















TRAINING SCHEDULE - Please contact us for latest training schedule


We give flexible learning options to trainees

  • INSTRUCTOR LEAD LIVE ONLINE TRAINING MODE - You can join the training from any part of world



DP Project Development Pvt. Ltd.


572, Sec-4, Vaishali, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh-201010, INDIA


+91-8586890684, +91-120-4375244









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Start Date:07/20/2015
End Date:08/20/2015
Organiser: DP Project Development
Category: Other

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