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ASP.NET MVC- Tecwallet

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ASP.NET MVC5Course Contents




1) Introduction to ASP.NET MVC 5                          

  • Intro to MVC 5
  • NET Web Forms (vs) ASP.NET MVC
    1. Advantages and disadvantages of each
    2. Determining when-to-use which one
  • List of Versions of ASP.NET MVC
  • Differences between versions of ASP.NET MVC
  • Overview of installing ASP.NET MVC in various versions of Visual Studio
  • MVC Architecture
    • What is MVC?
    • Architecture Explanation
    • What is Controller and action method
    • What is View
    • What is Model
    • Request Flow in ASP.NET MVC


2) Getting started with MVC 5                  

  • New Project in Visual Studio
  • Overview of Folders and files of MVC project



3) Controllers                                                                   

  • Introduction
  • Creating Controllers
  • Creating Actions
  • Calling actionmethods thru browser
  • Returning from action methods
  • Parameters in Action methods
  • ActionLink
  • URL Routing
    • Overview
    • Need of URL Routing
    • Parameters in URL
    • Default Parameter Values
    • Parameters with Constraints
    • Literals in URL


4) Views (Razor)                                                              

  • Introduction
  • ActionResult and ViewResult
  • Returning a view
  • Creating A Simple Razor View
  • Intermingling Code and Markup in Razor Views
  • View Bag / View Data / Temp Data
  • Shared Views
  • ASPX View Engine (vs) Razor


5) LayoutViews                                                

  • Introduction
  • Need of layout views
  • cshtml
  • Creating custom layout views
  • Layout Views with Sections
  • RenderSection()
  • cshtml
  • Overriding the _ViewStart.cshtml


6) Partial Views                                                               

  • Partial Views
  • RenderPartial()



7) Models                                                                          

  • Intro
  • Need of models
  • Creating models using ‘CodeFirst approach’


8) Entity Framework in MVC                      

  • Intro
  • Need of EF
  • Creating DbContext and DbSet
  • Configuring connection string





9) Scaffold Templates in MVC                   

  • Intro
  • Need of Scaffolding
  • Creating controllers and views using scaffold
  • Strongly typed views
  • Understanding Index, Details, Create, Edit, Delete action methods and views


10) HTML Helpers                                                          

  • Introduction
  • DisplayNameFor( )
  • DisplayFor( )
  • BeginForm( )
  • LabelFor()
  • EditorFor( )
  • ValidationMessageFor( )
  • RadioButtonFor( )
  • DropDownListFor( )
  • ListBoxFor( )
  • CheckBoxFor( )
  • AntiForgeryToken()
  • Code First Migrations


11) Action Filters                                                            

  • Introduction
  • [HttpPost]
  • [HttpGet]
  • [ValidateAntiForgeryToken]
  • [OutputCache]
  • [HandleError]
  • [NonAction]
  • [ActionName]


12) Bundles and Minification (new in MVC 4)               

  • Introduction
  • Understanding BundleConfig.cs
  • ScriptBundle (vs) StyleBundle
  • Importing a ScriptBundle and StyleBundle
  • Creating and consuming custom bundles





13) Validations                                                

  • Introduction
  • Model level validations (vs) View level validations
  • Importing jQuery Validation Plug in
  • [Required]
  • [RegularExpression]
  • [Range]
  • [StringLength]
  • [Compare]
  • [Remote]
  • IsValid


14) Data Annotations                                                    

  • [Display]
  • [Datatype]
  • [DisplayFormat]
  • [ScaffoldColumn]


15) jQuery in MVC                                                          

  • Intro
  • Need of jQuery in MVC
  • Importing / updating jquery plug in
  • Demos


16) jQuery AJAX in MVC                                              

  • Need of jQuery-AJAX in MVC
  • Demos on jQuery-AJAX (with json) in MVC with database handling
  • Intro to jQGrid

17) Web API (new in MVC 4)                                     

  • Introduction
  • WCF REST (vs) Web API
  • Understanding HTTP methods(GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
  • Creating API controller
  • API configuration
  • Calling Web API from jQuery
  • Demo: CRUD operations using jQuery AJAX with Web API


18) Security in MVC                                                       

  • Forms based security with [Authorise]
  • Windows based security




19) What’s new in MVC 5                                            

  • Web API 2
  • Overview of Facebook Application


20) Repository Layer and Service Layer 

  • Intro to Repository Layer and Service Layer
  • MVC Architecture with both layers
  • Demos


21) Dependency Injection                                          

  • Problems in accessing repository layer / service layer directly in controller
  • What is Dependency Injection
  • Installing ‘Unity’ plug in
  • Configuring Unity
  • Construction injection and property injection using interface


22) Consuming WCF in MVC                                      

  • Intro
  • Demos how to consume WCF in MVC


23) Database-First approach in MVC      

  • Intro
  • Demos on ‘Database-First’ approach


24) Areas in MVC                                                            

  • Intro
  • Demos on areas


25) Mobile Web Apps using       MVC                     

  • Intro to jQuery Mobile
  • Mobile Application’ project template
  • Overview of Customizing jQuery Mobile


26) Deployment                                                              

  • Configuring IIS
  • Publishing MVC web applications to local IIS








27) knockout.js                                                

  • What is knockout.js
  • Advantages
  • Getting started
  • MVVM Architecture
  • What is Model, View, ViewModel
  • Creating view model
  • data-bind
  • Observable properties
  • Subscribe
  • Working with lists and collections


28) Single Page Application (SPA)                           

  • What is SPA
  • Need of SPA
  • Getting started
  • jQuery AJAX usage in knockout.js
  • Reading and posting data


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Start Date:11/19/2016
End Date:12/19/2016
Organiser: Sudhakar Sharma
Category: ASP.NET

Sudhakar Sharma  

Enrolled Students : 0

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